Mind and Media: exploring the Freud-McLuhan Connection (2013)

Adriana BRAGA; Robert K. LOGAN


In this article we examine the thesis that Sigmund Freud might have had a possible influence on the thinking of Marshall McLuhan. We also develop the parallels in their thinking. The first hint of this connection is that McLuhan frequently refers to Freud in his writings. The second hint is that both men were battling invisible forces - unnoticed or subliminal effects of media for McLuhan and repressed memories and the unconscious for Freud. We present this hypothesis as a probe, which we believe has some degree of truth to it given the frequency with which McLuhan referred to and quoted Freud. Even if it is not true it is still illuminating to see the parallels of these two revolutionary thinkers who explored the workings of the human psyche from two completely different perspectives.